Global Illumination Methods

For appointments and rooms of lecture please consult the ZEuS of the Universität Konstanz.


Learning Content: 

This course teaches methods for generating photorealistic images of virtual scenes. To achieve this the light propagation within the scene has to be simulated using global illumination.

Lecture Content:

  1. Introduction to Raytracing 
    - Basic algorithm, extensions, data structures

  2. Light transport and global illumination 
    - Rendering equation, global light transport 
    - Sampling, Monte-Carlo Integration 
    - Path-Tracing, Particle Tracing 
    - Radiosity

  3. Radiosity 
    - light transport revisited 
    - creating the equation systems / Form Factors 

  4. General aspects 
    - Finite element methods 
    - plenoptic function / image-based rendering 
    - Holography

Qualified Students: 

Information Engineering students, bachelor in-depth lectures or master program


Basics on computer graphics, programming skills (C++)

Credit requirements:

 oral (20min) or written (60min) examination, depending on number of students

Examination date:

First date: 23.02 & 26.02
Second date:  11.04 & 12.04
Registration via StudIS or on list or via email Ms Baiker (Z 710).


Successful participation yields 6 ECTS